Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is Racial Harmony Day?

To East Springians, it will mean a day when we wear our traditional costumes and remind us that we cannot joke about serious matters like our race,language and religion. But is that all really what Racial Harmony Day is about? 47 years ago,Singapore was not really as clean as we see it today. 47 years ago on 21st July,Singapore had the darkest day it ever witnessed. Blood,fire and dead bodies seen everywhere in Singapore.

But now,in Singapore schools,we see it as a joyous occasion and celebrate this day happily.  In East Spring Secondary School, we dedicate a whole week for the 21st July. During the week,we have a buffet of activities for the students.

One good example is the charity bazaar that is set up by all the Secondary Two classes. The stalls will be selling a variety of 'kuehs' and other traditional food. Traditional games will also be available for playing. The traditional games set up will allow the 21st century generation to taste how the kampung life was like back then. All money collected from the charity bazaar will be donated to the Community Chest. You can say that our school is killing 2 birds in 1 stone here. Celebrating Racial Harmony Day and helping the needy.

But really, if we say the National Pledge everyday we pride,we wouldn't need Racial Harmony to remind us the importance of respecting other races,religions and skin colors.
"Regardless of race,language or religion."
And there is also the NE messages:
"We must preserve racial and religious harmony."

-Haliza from 2E4