Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is Racial Harmony Day?

To East Springians, it will mean a day when we wear our traditional costumes and remind us that we cannot joke about serious matters like our race,language and religion. But is that all really what Racial Harmony Day is about? 47 years ago,Singapore was not really as clean as we see it today. 47 years ago on 21st July,Singapore had the darkest day it ever witnessed. Blood,fire and dead bodies seen everywhere in Singapore.

But now,in Singapore schools,we see it as a joyous occasion and celebrate this day happily.  In East Spring Secondary School, we dedicate a whole week for the 21st July. During the week,we have a buffet of activities for the students.

One good example is the charity bazaar that is set up by all the Secondary Two classes. The stalls will be selling a variety of 'kuehs' and other traditional food. Traditional games will also be available for playing. The traditional games set up will allow the 21st century generation to taste how the kampung life was like back then. All money collected from the charity bazaar will be donated to the Community Chest. You can say that our school is killing 2 birds in 1 stone here. Celebrating Racial Harmony Day and helping the needy.

But really, if we say the National Pledge everyday we pride,we wouldn't need Racial Harmony to remind us the importance of respecting other races,religions and skin colors.
"Regardless of race,language or religion."
And there is also the NE messages:
"We must preserve racial and religious harmony."

-Haliza from 2E4

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Habits Of Mind.

Post exam activities were conducted throughout the whole school. Of all the post exam activities that were conducted, habits of mind was held for the sec 3's.

Overall, there are 16 Habits of Mind. Of all the Habits of Mind, the 2 Habits of Mind that are required in our daily life are "Striving for Accuracy and Precision" and "Questions and Problem Posing".

For the "Striving for Accuracy and Precision", we were taught to be more precise in our actions so as to achieve the best solution for situations that we will face.

For the "Questions and Problem Posing", there were also hands on activities conducted for example, matching photos with characteristics with the captions they provide and asking questions to draw the picture that was given to group leader. We were also taught to ask more questions so as to avoid misunderstandings that may be caused.

As said by Nora from 3E1, she said that the program was really useful and fun. In the 3 hours, the secondary 3s had learnt useful techniques to strive for accuracy and ensure that I'll achieve excellent results for future examinations and in daily life.

Overall, the post exam activities was a huge success as most of the students have enjoyed the awesome activities organized by the teachers of East Spring Secondary School.
This picture is taken with low shutter speed. It's so coulourful!

I found this cool l;ighting in a shop at Chinatown. It is so cool.

This masks are actually lightings in a shop and I find it really creative because this masks represent the chinese culture.

This picture shows the busy streets of Chinatiown.

This is a picture taken at Changi around 6pm. I took it because of the beautiful sunset.

 I took this picture in the school atrium while walking around the school with my friends. i used leading lines to show people the subject of the picture.

 This picture is taken in school. It is actually a window of a class. I find this picture so cool because of the lines.
I took this picture using fast shutter speed and set the setting to black and white.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Im sorry that the articles aren't posted according to date! I had difficulty looking for the articles so I just posted those i found first..


Cyclone in the lift.
This photo is taken in a lift and i used a very low shutter speed and this is the result. :)

Only source of light.
The light in this photo represents the Sun. And as we all know that the Sun is the only source of light known to Earth. So save it.
Childhood memories.
This is Gingy. he is a character from the movie "Shrek" and he has always been my favourite character since young. I took this photo recently.I hope to find it 20 years down the road and remind myself on my childhood memories.

A little hope on a gloomy day.
This is a picture of a village on a dark day. But the sun is shining very brightly hoping that the villagers will have a good day despite the darkness.

Electronic tadpole.
I actually wanted to take a picture of the sunset but I had forgotten to change the settings to a faster shutter speed and the color. But this is the result and I find it quite interesting:)

Sec 2 charity bazaar

On 2 August 2010,the Secondary 2s were given a task to set up a stall to raise funds for the Children Cancer foundation.It was a great oportunity for the Secondary 2 students to show their care and concern for those suffering cancers at a very young age.

Being from a Secondary 1 class,I had a chance to see the caring Secondary 2s' empathy for the young cancer patients.Since I couldn't shace my head like how some teachers did,I showed my care and concern by donating and buying from some stalls.

Here I have Rachel Tan from 1E4 giving her view on the bazaar."It is a very interesting way to raise money for the cancer patients.The duration of the bazaar was very suitable for those having ASP after school.It started the second the bell was rung and ended when it was time to start ASP.So,there were sufficient time for students to browse,buy and eat the things bought."

I found alot of creative ideas from the Secondary 2s.For example,I saw Secondary 2E4 giving free hugs and selling SHINee pouches and earpieces.As for games,2N1 had a game where people could throw wet sponge to a 2N1 student.When I asked Rachel how she felt about the game,she replied that it was a great way to take revenge on a friend.

I think my favourite was 2E1's song dedication programme.It's great and almost all my favourite songs were played!